- ボタンを押す
- ファイルダイアログが開く
- パスを選ぶ
- 意図したデータを正常にダウンロードさせる
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$this->autoRender=false; $downloadData = array(); $downloadData = $this->Model->ダウンロードデータの多次元連想配列を取り出すメソッド; $bodyData = $this->Model->exportCSV ( $downloadData ); $csvFileName="sample.csv" // アクセスした時にダウンロードさせる為のヘッダを設定します。 header ("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $csvFileName); header ("Content-type: application/octet-stream; name=" . $csvFileName); // バッファを出力して完成です。 print($bodyData); //exitをいれておかないとhtmlのソースを含んだCSVファイルになってしまうので注意です。 exit; |
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<?php /** * Copyright 2011-2012, PRONIQUE Softeare ( * * Licensed under The MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @copyright Copyright 2011-2012, PRONIQUE Software ( * @license MIT License ( */ /** * ProUtils Plugin * * ProUtils Csv Import Behavior * * @package ProUtils * @subpackage ProUtils.Model.Behavior */ class CsvExportBehavior extends ModelBehavior { /** * Exportable behavior settings * * @var array */ public $settings = array(); /** * List of errors generated by the export action * * @var array */ public $errors = array(); /** * List of objects instances or callables to notify from events on this class * * @var array */ protected $_subscribers = array(); protected $tmpDir = 'csvexport'; /** * Initializes this behavior for the model $Model * * @param Model $Model * @param array $settigs list of settings to be used for this model * @return void */ public function setup(Model $Model, $settings = array()) { if (!isset($this->settings[$Model->alias])) { $this->settings[$Model->alias] = array( 'encoding' => 'utf8', 'delimiter' => ',', 'enclosure' => '"', 'max_execution_time' => 360 ); } $this->settings[$Model->alias] = array_merge($this->settings[$Model->alias], $settings); } /** * Returns a csv formatted string of every record in the model * * @param Model $Model * @return string the csv data */ public function exportCSV(Model &$Model, $customizeData = array() ) { if( !ini_get('safe_mode') && ini_get('max_execution_time') < $this->settings[$Model->alias]['max_execution_time'] ){ set_time_limit($this->settings[$Model->alias]['max_execution_time']); //Extend timout to 6 minutes for large data exports. } $Model->recursive = -1; if( empty($customizeData)){ $records = $Model->find('all'); }else{ $records = $customizeData; } if ( !empty($records ) ) { $this->ensureTmp(); $tmpFilename = TMP . $this->tmpDir . DS . strtolower( Inflector::pluralize($Model->alias) ) . '-' . date('Ymd-Hms') . '.csv'; $fp = fopen($tmpFilename, 'w'); if ( $this->settings[$Model->alias]['encoding'] == 'utf8' ) { fwrite($fp, "\xEF\xBB\xBF"); fputcsv( $fp, $this->arrayToUtf8( array_keys($records[0][$Model->alias]) ), $this->settings[$Model->alias]['delimiter'], $this->settings[$Model->alias]['enclosure'] ); } else { fputcsv( $fp, array_keys($records[0][$Model->alias]), $this->settings[$Model->alias]['delimiter'], $this->settings[$Model->alias]['enclosure'] ); } foreach( $records as $record ) { if ( $this->settings[$Model->alias]['encoding'] == 'utf8' ) { fputcsv($fp, $this->arrayToUtf8( $record[$Model->alias] ), $this->settings[$Model->alias]['delimiter'], $this->settings[$Model->alias]['enclosure'] ); } else { fputcsv($fp, $record[$Model->alias], $this->settings[$Model->alias]['delimiter'], $this->settings[$Model->alias]['enclosure'] ); } } fclose( $fp ); $data = file_get_contents( $tmpFilename ); $this->cleanupTmp( $tmpFilename ); return $data; } return false; } /** * Returns the errors generated by last export * * @param Model $Model * @return array */ public function getExportErrors(Model &$Model) { if (empty($this->errors[$Model->alias])) { return array(); } return $this->errors[$Model->alias]; } /** * Attachs a new listener for the events generated by this class * * @param Model $Model * @param mixed listener instances of an object or valid php callback * @return void */ public function attachExportListener(Model $Model, $listener) { $this->_subscribers[$Model->alias][] = $listener; } /** * Notifies the listeners of events generated by this class * * @param Model $Model * @param string $action the name of the event. It will be used as method name for object listeners * @param mixed $data additional information to pass to the listener callback * @return void */ protected function _notify(Model $Model, $action, $data = null) { if (empty($this->_subscribers[$Model->alias])) { return; } foreach ($this->_subscribers[$Model->alias] as $object) { if (method_exists($object, $action)) { $object->{$action}($data); } if (is_callable($object)) { call_user_func($object, $action, $data); } } } /** * This Behavior writes tmp files to take advantage of the built-in fputcsv function. * */ protected function ensureTmp() { $tmpDir = TMP . $this->tmpDir; if ( !file_exists($tmpDir ) ) { mkdir( $tmpDir, 0777); } } /** * Delete the tmp file, only if $tmp_file lives in TMP directory * otherwise throw an Exception * * @param mixed $tmp_file */ protected function cleanupTmp( $tmp_file='' ) { $realpath = realpath( $tmp_file ); if ( substr( $realpath, 0, strlen( TMP ) ) != TMP ) { throw new Exception('I refuse to delete a file outside of ' . TMP ); } if ( file_exists( $tmp_file ) ) { unlink( $tmp_file ); } } /** * if array is not UTF-8 then convert keys and values to UTF-8 * method is recursive * * @param mixed $in */ protected function arrayToUtf8($in) { if (is_array($in)) { foreach ($in as $key => $value) { $out[$this->arrayToUtf8($key)] = $this->arrayToUtf8($value); } } elseif(is_string($in)) { if(mb_detect_encoding($in) != "UTF-8") return utf8_encode($in); else return $in; } else { return $in; } return $out; } } |